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Marvell companywill be pronounce new tablet PC

by 행복으로나무 2010. 3. 21.
마블이라는 회사에서 학생들을 겨냥한 99불 짜리 PC가 나온다고 합니다.

이름: 모비
CPU: 아르마다 600시리즈 1Ghz
VIDEO: 1080p HD(3D 그래픽 가능)
OS: 안드로이드 또는 윈도 모바일
화면: 10인치
decode: Flash video(가능)

언제 일지는 모르지만 조만간 나오겠다고 하니까 기대해 보도록 합시다.~^^
marvellandroidtablet.jpgThis week, Marvell unveiled a $99 tablet e-reader reference design that the company promises will do for the e-reader market what ARM-based notebooks have done to compete with netbooks.

The "Moby" contains a Marvell Armada 600-series microprocessor running at up to a gigahertz. the system-on-a-chip is powerful enough to be able to perform 1080p high-definition video encoding and decoding, some 3D graphics, and either the Google Android or Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system. It reportedly uses a 10-inch display, according to Technologizer. According to Marvell, the Moby's Armada 600 processor can decode Adobe Flash-encoded video.

Marvell is pitching the Moby at students and other consumers who want the flexibility of a tablet, but don't want to pay for something like a JooJoo or an iPad. Marvell will soon announce a pilot program in partnership with the District of Columbia Public School system (DCPS) where the Company will donate a Moby tablet to every child in an at-risk school as part of a multi-year program in new media and learning, the company said.

Marvell did not announce the specs of the Moby, but said that the tablet should "weigh less than half of one typical textbook," but have enough internal storage to be able to hold a "year's supply of textbooks".

(Picture via Technologizer)

posted by Gearlog -> http://www.gearlog.com/2010/03/marvell_unveils_99_moby_tablet.php